Friday, March 21, 2008

the old navy episodes - road trip part 3

N is for "Nina" in the sun.

pool party time, kidlets:

and S is for "Sam" in the sun.

and S is for "style team" in the sun, too:

and S is for "Sebastien".

obviously also in the sun. hawt hawt sun . . .

see, sarah? you look INCREDIBLE in that suit.

paul norman, and his double, karim:

and sila, keeping it ALL IN PERSPECTIVE:

the old navy episodes - road trip part 2

K is for "Karim".

here is why:

poor eddie. he was slack-jawed all day.

yes, yes, connie. we know that you "called" him first.

richard was smart and just made do with manacop.

the old navy episodes - road trip part 1

hot girls. hot cars. hot boy. hot motorcycle. hawt.

betania and kira "consult":

me, you know, "directing" or whatever:

the cast & b:

Thursday, March 20, 2008

you say your name is "karim"?

we're in brazil, you're a model,



you're a . . . boxer?

ah yes, now i see. betania? what do you think?

yes, yes. i agree, betania.

keep taking pictures,

ask question later.


Tuesday, March 18, 2008

back to the streets of B.A. with models in tow: brazilians, some argentines, a canadian, a boy from leeds, and a girl from the cote d'ivoire in tow.

the lovely argentinian bombshell, yamila,

our sweet n surly brazilian, karim,

baby brazilian, phillipe serro,

the argentine stunner, sebastian raura,

canadian sweetheart, sarah ruba,

the boy from leeds, sam saffman

and my muse, nina keita, from the cote d'ivoire.

our cast pretty much kicks ass.

just sayin.

Monday, March 17, 2008

"gris" means gray -

gris actually IS the french word for gray,
so that's not just a pretty headline up there, it's the truth.


but in addition, i've noticed a surge in the color
(perhaps the mood, too)
in fashion recently.

i kind of adore it.

from lanvin pre-fall (above)
to kate moss en-route (below)

even the extremes of fashion seem to be playing into the trend.
witness the evolution of the banker-stripe gray flannel suit,

the conservative gray trench,

(i say mais oui)
and, well,
how does one describe rick owens' work?
(i heard glamour + grunge = glunge)

the evolution of dishabille . . .
luxe, ragged, and perfect.