part of staying at home and learning this city
has been taking the dogs on long walks around west hollywood
(weho to the natives)
and remembering how much we have missed living in a CITY neighborhood,
one that is constantly changing,
that feeds you surprises and stimulation every walk.
take the very cars parked on the side of santa monica boulevard.
yes, this el camino was literally COVERED with the erotic images of
(loved this so much, wanted so much to shoot it, tim had to drag me away.)
yes, decoupage.
the only let-down.
but hell, get one of my girls, an eyelet sundress and picnic basket from bottega,
a "wolf" in chaps,
and we've got ourselves a shoot!
or how about this insane yellow land cruiser? land rover? range cruiser?
i get them all crossed.
but i had an office this exact color once,
i think the shade was called "leap of faith".
once we crossed this little storefront, then doubled back,
because the smells and the sign were TOO enticing.
it's a storefront deli cum restaurant cum cafe
and it's like a petite dean and deluca meets social experiment
with the best sandwiches and take out treats in the whole neighborhood.
ices in original fruit husks anyone?
and some days,
the inspiration
(or implied message)
is just right in front of you.
which is something neither of us, actually, ever are.