Monday, November 10, 2008

the new adventure begins . . . NOW.

i didn't quite see it coming,
but i booked a gig in the middle of everything else going on
(more on that later)
that has taken me south.

south as in

now you know how i LOVE this place,
so this job is a dream.

it's a beauty shoot,
it's in sud amerique,
and it's been overwhelmingly "me" from concept to team.

i mean,
on the flight down . . .

i am seated next to leanne,
a friend from l.a. and producer who JUST HAPPENS TO BE PRODUCING THE SAME WEEK.

very ingrid bergman.
very ambien induced "sleeping together":

but don't be fooled into thinking it's all glamour.
this is the "international arrivals" terminal in b.a.

it's a little calcutta.
but to end up back at the film planet offices,
perched over the grapevines in the old converted stables:

with my adored,
inimitable producer,
mr. michael manacop . . .

i was a slightly post transcontinental flight
LUCKY boy.

i feel a new dynamic deux comin on  . . .


Jim said...

Oh Evita! B.A. is super dreamy... but you can't have dinner before midnight.

Jennifer said...

you are a busy busy guy!