Showing posts with label hilary davis. Show all posts
Showing posts with label hilary davis. Show all posts

Thursday, February 12, 2009

tresemme - behind the shoot, day two

send sergio up!
lay the track down!
kick the music, turn on the monitors
and WALK.
as the time counted down,
as all good shoots do,
we recounted the journey to each other,
we posed for pics
and we looked forward to the work,
coming together.
glamour, people.
it's this fun.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

dinner at sucre, a buenos aires gem -

we DID work our asses off on this shoot,
but we made the most of our evenings, too. . .


sucre is at the heart of the park in buenos aires,
a concrete bunker that could be smack in the middle of los angeles,
or on the edge of brooklyn,
or in beijing.


it has that continental anonymity that is still striking when you enter it,
and the food is my favorite in a city riddled with steak and pasta.

so there we headed for dinner with the client . . .
and it was easy.  it was funny.  it was riddled with talk of all things
work related.


i'm guessing that's what
blood orange and porcini mushroom risotto with pecorino
can do to a group.

you heard me:


it was floral, bitches.  and i ate it ALL.

(that's why there's no actual picture of the food.  i ate it ALL.)

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

wakin up in the park hyatt, gathering the troops, casting the argentine models, discovering a new side of yourself -

you wake up early,
because of the birds in the trees here.

you worship at the shrine
of product.

and slowly,
get going.

but it's good to know there are happy faces
and good allies
waiting for you . . .

and then, the flow of beautiful faces . . .

lines of girls,
lines on paper,
all intersecting in your head as you try to imagine the pieces
into place.

it's a group effort . . .

so you try not to,
you know,
get "selfish".


Friday, November 14, 2008

waiting on brazilian models, we found TOYS -

it's brazil.

they don't all show up on time.

it's a fact.

ya gotta entertain yourself somehow . . .

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

do brazilian models like my husband? let's ask them in person . . .

so we are barely on the ground one day in b.a.
when we're back on the plane and off to sao paulo.

casting can't wait,
and you have to hit the hotspots, mes petites.

but upon landing around 11,
michael and i decided a stop at la figuera,
the restaurant in sao paulo with the enormous and ancient fig tree dominating the entire space,

we were HUNGRY.

and there they were,
our agency clients . . .  cari, amanda and hillary.

so, a few shots, and some steak later . . .

michael and i were fully recharged.
and ready to pose again for the cameras.

now where were those models . . .