Thursday, August 19, 2010

THREE WEEKS IN CANADA - pre-production, or, a week or two in castings and on the streets of toronto eating ourselves silly.

in waiting to shoot most things,
people gloss over all the prep work.
luckily, when i shoot with michael manacop,
we gloss over the prep work by eating out.
so after a day of casting.
ok, DAYS of casting . . .

we would often retire to the restaurant across from our hotel,
an amazing sushi place calle AME.

no, for you avid followers of the two dog,
that is not connie bang on the banner.
the food ranged from japanese sea bream
to an insane kabocha squash tempura
that paired perfectly with a cazadores tequila:
served on a bed of nails.
then after a day of location scouting:

we would try out some delicacy.  poutine.

that, my lovelies,
is a pile of french fries.
topped with cheese curds.
topped with beef gravy.
yes.  we went back for more.
during this time we worked from the lobby:
we got in some sightseeing:

the city is alternately insanely chic,
and odd.
got to know each other,
(loved jess, the agency producer)
and once found ourselves,
at midnight,
in shoppers drug mart.
danger, will robinson.

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