Friday, April 15, 2011

GABRIEL DEL CAMPO (perhaps the best antiques store, ever) :

also in san telmo,
on the main square,
stands the flagship of GABRIEL DEL CAMPO,
an amazing store filled with things you never knew you needed,
yet now,
now you need.

vintage louis vuitton trunks?
oh. dear. god. yes.

marble statuary feet?

manacop found this sculpture of a centaur . . . 
wanted it SO badly.
how about to-scale vintage racers for children?
with hermes leather seats?

bugatti says what?
more statuary:

i, on the other hand,
died over this marble piece.

nice profile, no?
and i even found some
"so wrong they're right"
bambi meets mid-century chairs
to direct from:
wrap em up, baby.

1 comment:

Amanda McKeel said...

The LV luggage is for me, I assume? Very sweet to bring such a souvenir:) xoxo