Sunday, October 7, 2007

it's spring. it's hermes. let's review:

so gaultier staged the spring runway for hermes on friday. i think it was friday. i was traveling. anyway. . . i think it's critical to do a quick recap and gently guide you before you launch into purchasing. you have a few months before they hit retail, so get your pens ready.

ok. first, lacquered crocodile and enameled bangles in color?


second, very glossy, very stiff lacquered croc and calf birkins?

do i even need to say it?:

crocodile riding boots? in pink?

yes. please:

elaborate leather turbans with belt thingies attached to them?

um, no. unless alexis and chrystal are planning on a throw down in my fountain anytime soon. then, yes. give me two:

1 comment:

The Spicers said...

Those croc boots: YUM! But I'm sure they cost more than my car...